Happiness Coach

About Me

Hi, I’m Marie-Ange Audigé, a.k.a M-Angel, a Happiness Coach. I guide those who are ready to access new levels of happiness using creativity and spirituality. It’s a blessing to be part of someone’s growth journey, to see those who feel stuck and lost in the dark transform their lives and find clarity and joy by embracing their light.

I love seeing people rediscover happiness and enjoy the journey as much as – if not more than – the destination.

My coaching approach is playful, spiritual, and transformative. I like fostering a safe space where one feels open, free, curious, relaxed, and inspired. My style is intuitive and energy-driven, highly creative, and all about balancing your mind, body, and soul connection for a better life experience.

My coaching practice includes active listening, thought-provoking questions, visualization exercises, guided meditations, intuitive drawing & painting (art coaching), tarot or oracle card reading, and fun exercises to do in between sessions, all to get you where you want to go in an enjoyable way.

Does the vibe feel right?

There are as many coaching styles as there are coaches. For the best results, pair up with the coach that is right for you. If you feel like I’m the coach you’ve been looking for, then let’s get started!

Unconscious Living

Like most people, I was living an “unconscious” life, going through the motions with a low level of self-awareness and conscious autonomy. I went to school, then College, got a job, and pursued hobbies and passions on the side because that’s what people did. I was unwittingly at the mercy of my volatile emotions and lifelong programming.

The Big Break: Anxiety and Panic Disorder

One day in 2017, circumstances lead to something inside of me snapping. I suddenly developed an acute anxiety and panic disorder. It got so bad that I couldn’t leave my home without experiencing an attack. I felt horrible all the time and could no longer function normally. Just as I contemplated ending it all, my mother suggested I stay with my family to figure out what was going on. Luckily, I took her up on the offer and decided to fight for my life.

How I Healed & Transformed

In my despair and distress, I turned to self-help, philosophy, psychology, and spirituality for answers and a cure. Along with the help of a therapist and a life coach, I broke myself open and apart in order to rebuild. One day, I experienced something I can only call a spiritual awakening and was forever changed. I started to learn about the law of attraction and the teachings of Abraham Hicks and have lived accordingly ever since.

Within just a few months, not only was I fully recovered and cured of the attacks, but I was also a brand new person. I turned a break-down into a break-through and the worst period of my life ended up becoming the best period of my life.

After the “Big Break”

After the “Big Break,” I exited a misaligned 10-year relationship, changed careers, moved from Canada to France, healed from past trauma (narcissistic abuse, childhood emotional neglect), dismantled my False Self by changing bad habits (codependency, low self-esteem, people pleasing, fear), and learned to manifest a better life experience (love, health, wealth, etc.).

How I Manifest Happiness

In learning to overcome life’s many contrasting experiences (a.k.a challenges), I discovered the mind-body-soul connection and how its balance leads to true happiness. Joy is the new direction, and my intuition is the compass. In choosing Happiness, I’ve manifested many wonderful and unexpected life experiences…

I wanted a fun career with flexible hours and ended up co-created and co-hosting a YouTube channel profitable enough to live off of (it now has over 1 million subscribers)

I realized my childhood dream of becoming a singer. I co-created a band, we produced an album, I performed on stage with dancers, and we made a profit over time. That passion is now a source of passive income.

After years of being a freelance web designer, my intuition told me to become a waitress. I listened, got a job and made it past the 3-month probation period right when the 2020 pandemic hit, during which I benefited from partial unemployment funding for 1.5 years.

I went from being codependent, desperate, dating the wrong people, and making all of the common dating mistakes, to transforming my energy, writing down my ideal relationship and partner, and manifesting that partner and that relationship a year to the date later.

I once had a strong desire to travel to Croatia from Canada, but couldn’t afford to at the time. I told the Universe how much I needed to fund the trip, and a few days later, I got unexpected income that matched the amount I had asked the Universe for. The trip was fantastic!

Despite being repeatedly told I would never find a place that matched my criteria and my budget, I quickly found my dream rental in Paris, FR, and was chosen over 12 other interested renters despite not even perfectly meeting the landlord’s criteria. 5 years later, all parties are still happy with the decision.

And that’s just a few anecdotes. The journey is never linear, mind you, and not without its challenges, but the key to feeling good is learning to regain your balance when you lose it, and staying hopeful when you fall, when it’s hard, when you feel like giving up. Every time you rise above, you strengthen your base and your balance. It’s all about developing the right tools to navigate life, and that’s where coaching can be invaluable.

An Authentic and Evolving Coach

For years, I was repeatedly told by those who experienced a deep positive impact from exchanges with me that I should become a coach. The resounding sentiment was that my energy was refreshing and my approach was different, and, most importantly, effective. One day, I decided to listen to the Universe and give it serious consideration. It took getting over insecurities like “imposter syndrome” to fully embrace this new path.

I studied the craft, learned from the best, honed my skills, and carefully curated a coaching style that is authentic to me. I am continuously learning and evolving, as a person and as a coach, which is what allows me to connect deeply with others and respect their own unique journey. I coach with and from the heart, using my light to amplify that of those around me.

Other Passions

Beyond coaching, I also paint and sell joyfully colorful wall art, and I occasionally host creative events via M-Angel Paints In the past, I’ve been a singer, music producer, dancer & performer, web designer and online marketer, videographer, YouTuber, novelist, and a waitress. I appreciate the lessons and experiences garnered through each of these endeavours, which have led me here.


I love cooking, ice cream, puzzles, board games, movies & TV shows, and spirituality (like Abraham Hicks and Shaman Durek talks).


I’ve been characterized as a good listener, understanding, perceptive, direct, dynamic, goofy, fun, warm, empathic, attentive, encouraging, and expressive. Basically, I’m a hoot!

Am I the coach you’ve been looking for?

Now that you know a bit about me, I’d love to know a bit about you! Check out my programs and choose the offering that’s right for you, or request a 15-minute call to get the clarity you need.

M-Angel Says

Uplifting Entertainment

Consuming inspirational content has been - and still is - a major part of my growth journey, which is what lead me to creating my own fun and soul-nourishing content, in hopes of spreading the love and joy I've cultivated. From spiritual guidance, love advice, to law of attraction tips and real-life manifestation stories, my YouTube channel and Instagram may just have what you need to expand your own consciousness and connect to your Light!