

About Coaching

Learn about the art of Coaching and how it differs from Therapy, Consulting, or talking to a friend.

What exactly is coaching (vs. therapy)?

Behind every great athlete is a great coach. A skilled coach reminds you of your greatness by shining a light on your strengths and on what hinders your progress. Whereas therapy deals with recalling and feeling the past, coaching focuses on moving forward and embracing the future by paving a way toward the life experience you want and becoming the person you want to be. A great coach is an ally, a guide, a sounding board, and a mirror.

Contrary to popular belief, a coach doesn’t solve problems. You do. Most of the “magic” actually happens in between coaching sessions, when the energy and ideas cultivated during the coaching session are practiced and integrated. The idea is simple: you are more powerful than you think.

Coaching efficacy ultimately depends on both personal investment and pairing up with the right coach. As with any profession, there are as many coaching styles as there are coaches. Once you find the right coach and are ready for and open to the journey, you’ll find coaching can be deeply transformational and life-changing.
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How is coaching different from consulting?

In general, consultants are experts in a field who provide expert advice and execute tasks for an individual or a company. Some examples of consultants are lawyers, financial advisors, accountants, and training specialists.

Coaching differs from consulting in a couple of significant respects:

In most cases, a coach is not a subject matter expert or specialist in your field of interest, nor is expertise necessary to support you. You are the expert in your field. A coach brings out the best in you by focusing on who you are, not what you do.

Another important difference is that a coach doesn’t perform tasks on your behalf. A coach will explore new practices and habits with you that can enhance your strengths and move you forward.

How is coaching different from talking to a friend?

A coach is an ally but different from a friend in a few ways.

A coach is an active listener but remains objective. A coach’s only wish is to see you succeed at reaching the goals you’ve set. They respect the singularity of your journey and your choices, whether or not they agree with them.

A coach’s first response won’t be to offer up advice or solve a problem for you. A coach collaborates with you as you move toward your goals in your own way. You’re in the driver’s seat at all times.

Finally, unlike some friends, most coaches are success-oriented, positive, and know how to encourage and foster growth.

What is the Law of Attraction?

Like the law of gravity, the law of attraction is a ruling principle of our Universe that we are subject to. You don’t “do” the law of attraction, the way you don’t “do” gravity. It just is. Yet, by understanding gravity, man has learned to jump, fly, and even reach the stars and touch the moon. By understanding the law of attraction, you can also learn to jump, fly, and soar to new heights within its parameters.

The Law of Attraction is simply defined as: “That which is like unto itself is drawn.”

Ever notice how some people seem to be consistently lucky, while others seem to have consistent misfortune? You may think it’s random or just a coincidence. It’s actually the law of attraction at play.

Think of yourself as a magnet, an energy magnet. Energy operates on frequencies. You attract the energy frequency you emit. Another way to understand this is by seeing yourself as a radio. At any given moment, you are tuned into a specific radio station. To know what station you’re dialed into, you need only pay attention to how you feel. Your emotions are indicators because every emotion has an energetic frequency.

By understanding this principle, one can change the circumstances of their life experience by shifting one’s energetic frequency, or, in simpler terms, by altering one’s thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.

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